7 Tips on How to Write a Blog Post

Sometimes I simply write a blog post that comes to mind, without really laying it out in any certain form. However, to be most effective, engage your readers and increase sales, there is a system you should use, which I will share with you here. If you want to know how to write a blog post that gets results, you’ll definitely find these 7 tips useful!

This is really an outline, but you’ll find that it makes writing your blog posts much easier – and in the end, makes them more interesting and valuable for your reader too.

Here’s the short version – your blog post should have a keyword phrase, catchy title, image, great content, a call-to-action, even a signature (this looks professional, in my opinion). Last, but definitely not least, a P.S. We’ll go further into detail on each section, so that by the time you finish reading this article, you’ll be excited and chomping at the bit to write your next post!

7 Elements All Blog Posts Should Have
Creating an outline for your blog post makes it SO much easier! I try to include all of these elements, even though I may have no idea what I’m going to write inside the post until I get my outline laid out. Once you get your framework set up, filling in the blanks becomes pretty simple.

1. Now, let’s start with the first element that you need to think about – a keyword phrase!

While you always want to write with your readers in mind, it’s still important that you place some focus on SEO.
Once you have your topic in mind, try to find a good keyword phrase that’s suitable to your post. In this case, I am using the keyword phrase “how to write a blog post.” For those times that there just doesn’t seem to be a keyword phrase that fits, just write for your reader. They appreciate your knowledge and what you share, regardless of whether it is keyword optimized!

2. Write a Great Title for Your Blog Post
Believe it or not, what you choose to title your blog post is almost as important as the main content. After all, if you don’t offer a catchy title, who’s going to read what you have written? In addition, the title of your blog post becomes the title of your page (used in the Title Tag) so it’s important in SEO. Finally, the title of your post will become the “anchor text” that is linked in the search results; in other words, this is what searchers will see when they’re making a decision about which one of the results they want to click on! Super important, make sure your post title is compelling.

3. Images
While it isn’t essential to use an image in your blog post, it does make the page look a bit more attractive and colorful – and images can be used to break up text, so that it doesn’t appear so long and drawn out. In addition, images can actually illustrate points. You can upload your own images, look for free or inexpensive stock photos online, or use well-known sites like Flickr.

4. Writing Your Content

After you have outlined the other elements, start writing your content. It may sound a bit strange to write your content last (since it is the bulk of your blog post), but “fleshing out” the content after you have your outline in place actually makes it a simple process. Think of each point you want to highlight in your post, then expand on each in a separate paragraph or two.

5. Include a Call to Action

While I don’t do this in every post, it really is important to include a call to action if you are promoting a product or service that you really feel will be the solution to your reader’s need. Surprisingly enough, you have to tell many people what action you want them to take! This is why you should include a call to action – tell your reader just what to do next, and how it will benefit him or her.
Never assume that your reader knows what to do next. You wrote the post for a reason, and your reader is reading it for a reason. Entice your readers to take the action you want them to take!


6. Add Your Signature
I’ve just started doing this recently, and I really think it’s a great idea. A signature gives your post a personal touch, and lets your readers know who you are. How many times have you read a blog post with no signature, and the word “admin” or something similar in the ‘author’ or ‘written by’ area?
By the way – you can make your own signature for free! There are several sites on the web that allow you to create your own signature, or you can simply sign your real signature and scan it into your computer if you would rather.

7. PS
This is something else I’ve just started doing; in fact, this is my first post to include a PS! I don’t know why I haven’t used it before, or why more bloggers don’t use it. You’ll find a PS at the end of most sales letters and email messages, so why not in blog posts? You can stress your point, and offer a ‘last call to action.’
Well, there you are! 7 tips on how to write a blog post that will attract attention, help your readers and satisfy those little ‘search engine crawlers’ for SEO purposes.
Oh, and one last thing – put links in your posts to other posts on your blog you feel are relevant, and would be of interest to your readers. Enjoy, and here’s to better (and easier) blogging!