How Can Great Content Be Created

Content generation and content distribution are some of the phrases that you will come across when you start building your own business. You will also often hear the term, “content is king.” When you’re focusing on building great products and services, you may wonder what exactly is so important about having good content and who can create it.

You may be aware of the crucial role that a website, Facebook, and Twitter page can play in ensuring your brand’s exposure. You can enhance your brand’s ranking in search engines by adding relevant and intuitive content to your website and social media accounts. When you do that, your website will not only be a place where your customers will go in order to see your products or services, it will also be a place where potential customers will go for valuable information.

To illustrate the point better, let us assume that you want to buy a kayak and that you have come across a couple of different websites. On one website, you see different models of kayaks along with their prices. However, a second website has that and a blog written by the founder of the company giving beginners tips on kayaking. It also has links to some of the best kayaking destinations and videos showing helpful tips such as what to do when your kayak overturns. Though both websites provide the information you were initially looking for, the content on the second website makes it much more attractive and is more likely to gain new customers.
It is a fact that incorporating as much information as possible into your website will not provide the intended benefits. The content that you provide must have value to the visitors of your website.
Here are five simple ways of producing great content for your brand:

1. Provide How-To Information

You may have extensive knowledge about your products as well as your industry. However, your target audience is not likely to have the same in-depth knowledge. This presents you with an opportunity to help them. Starting with the basics, you can include information on how to do many things. To give you an example, if you are a maker of online applications, you can offer tips that your audience can understand as to how they can become successful through a distance learning program. You can make use of a blog post, a video presentation or articles to convey the information to your audience. Whatever the method that you adopt, it must be simple, light, easy to read and informative.

2. Provide Inside Information
Give people the feeling that they have the privilege of getting insider information when they go to your website. They will absolutely love it. The information that you add or update on a daily basis may not be exciting to you, but your audience may be looking forward to it. To give you an idea as to what you can do to give them this feeling, here is an illustration. Assume that you are at a trade show and identifying suppliers for your upcoming product. You can take a few pictures of the fair and make it available on your website. Such information sharing will not only provide greater access to your brand, but also add a human touch.

3. Have a Founder’s Column
Customers often want to get to know the founders of a company better as it helps them identify better with the company. As the founder, you should have a presence on your website and contribute to your column regularly. Founder’s blogs are available on the websites of many companies. The topics in these blogs include the latest information on trends in their field of operation, personal success stories, etc. This is not only an opportunity to provide unique and enticing content, but it’s also great for public relation efforts and helps build customer loyalty to your brand.

4. Facility for Interaction
People like interacting with others and also the brand they adore. This is one of the major reasons why social media is so popular. It is therefore important that you have the facility for regular interactions with your audience. You can arrange for contests on a weekly basis, rope in guest bloggers and encourage your audience to share relevant videos, photos, thoughts, etc. You will have a growing community around your brand even before you realize it. You will also have a great archive of content.

5. Take Charge
You may think that all the content has to be created by you, but that is not correct. You can share an article or any content related to your industry or brand that you happen to come across. You should not reproduce articles that you see on websites without prior permission. However, you can always share a link or an excerpt. It is even better if you add your own opinion. This is a great way of making your audience learn about your connections outside your business. This adds to your credibility and also helps you stay ahead of the competition.
As you strive to educate, inspire and establish a connection with your audience, you should keep in view the fact that your content is an extension of your brand. The content must be kept relevant. It is also important to ensure that words are not spelled wrong and the content is always grammatically correct. You want to give the impression that your company is professional, not careless.