How To Make Your Brand Profile Video

It’s time to create that much-awaited corporate brand video. But how? Video production is a complex beast that entails a lot of preparation and a concrete vision. Without these things, your corporate video may become a costly and stressful undertaking.
If you intend to create your own brand profile video, here are several suggestions for putting together a great product with the least amount of stress:

1. Looking for ideas?
Search your content inventory. Chances are, the seed of an idea can be found in one of your marketing materials or content pieces.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Try looking through your brochures, your case studies and your client testimonials. Perhaps you’d like to share the results of a scientific study that became the basis of a white paper. Or, you may want to capture one of your best customers on video, praising what your company did for them.

2. Unsure how to present your brand?

Capture what your customers can expect. Remember, your brand is not your physical office or even your logo, it is your people, your culture and the promise of an experience that a customer can enjoy.
Your video, therefore, shouldn’t be a historical summary of data points (when the company started, where the first office was, what your products are) because, in all honesty, no one cares about that information except you. Instead, capture the essence of what your organization is about: showcase how excited your employees are to come to work and how satisfied your customers are with the way you solve their problems.

3. Seeing it through to the end?

Create a comprehensive project plan. If you fully intend to produce your brand profile video in-house, then it is important to plot the entire process out from start to finish.
List everything you may need, who is in charge of which aspect of the production, when deliverables are expected and include all materials and costs. Include estimates as well for services that may need to be done by outside contractors.

4. Not sure if you can do it all?
Consider outsourcing the production. The truth is, unless you have some wonderfully talented people in your company who already know the video process, the road ahead may be more of a challenge than it needs to be. After all, there are professionals who create corporate videos for a living.
Find the firms that your peers recommend, or in the absence of that, use some of the many social networking tools to find video companies whose Web reviews are stellar.