10 Ways to Turn Blog Content into Cash

Not only can you repurpose content to increase traffic to your blog, but you can also turn your blog content into cash in a variety of ways. Consider your traffic, monetization, and growth goals for your blog, and then try the 10 ways to turn your blog content into cash listed below. None of the methods are expensive or challenging, so you can get started right away.

1. Freemium Content

You can turn your blog into a freemium revenue source by making the vast majority of your blog content available for free to all visitors and requiring people to pay for premium content through a subscription or membership. You can set your subscription or membership pricing, renewals, and so on to meet your earnings goals. You could also set up a tiered pricing model with more content available to people who pay higher fees.

2. Packaged Content

Package some of your content into ebooks, white papers, videos, and so on, and offer them for a fee. You can collect email addresses and email content directly to people who pay for it, or make it available for download as described in #6 below.

3. Time-sensitive Content

You can make some of your content available only for a specific period of time. By limiting the time when people can pay for and access this special content, you can create urgency to it and increase your earnings. Time-sensitivity also helps to boost social media sharing.

4. Modular Content

If you write series of blog posts, then turning those series into modular content that is offered for a fee is a great way to make money from that content. You can also create new content and offer it as modular content with a price attached to it. Set your price for your content and collect email addresses, so you can email the modular content to paying customers on an ongoing basis such as daily, weekly, or monthly. For example, create a modular training course related to your blog's topic and offer it via email. Offering modular content is a great way to collect email addresses from your blog visitors for future marketing campaigns. Just make sure that you get permission to send additional emails in the future, so you don't violate any privacy laws.

5. Members Only Blog

You could turn your entire blog into a members-only site where content is only available to paying members. Based on your earnings goals, you can charge a one-time membership fee or require monthly or annual renewals.

6. Individual Content Downloads

If you write ebooks, white papers, research reports, tutorials, and so on that can be downloaded separately from your blog, you can offer them as individual content downloads for a fee.

7. Targeted Content

Think about how you can revitalize your blog content by rewriting it (or create new content) to appeal to specific audiences, and then offer that targeted content for a fee.

8. Personalized Content

Tailor your content to individuals by customizing it to meet their needs and offer it for a fee. Personalized content can be offered for individual download or via email.

9. Content Conversation Community

Rather than turning your blog into a members only site as discussed in #5, you can add a forum for members only where they can discuss your blog topic and content in detail with each other. By requiring people to pay a fee to join the forum conversations, you can make money from it.

10. Licensed Content

You can license your content for syndication and earn money from the content you've already written. There are also some content licensing opportunities that enable you to make money from ad revenue. Be sure to learn more about blog syndication before you jump into content licensing.