How to Grab High Quality Viewers

“Build it, and they will come.” Although this line comes from a well-known movie – Field of Dreams – it applies very well to content marketing. When a site puts together great information which is original (not simply rehashed content), informative, engaging and rich in value, it will draw continuous streams of Web traffic.

The 21st century provides people with cutting-edge technology, and digital tools to access information in ways previous generations could not experience. Whether using videos, articles or combinations of the two, it is clearly evident content marketing is a prominent avenue used in today’s “working” sales websites.

When marketers combine the “best of the best” content that is laser-targeted toward exactly what their prospective viewers want to digest, they can count on grabbing valuable traffic to their website.
This traffic tends to be somewhat more than “generic,” they are qualified visitors who have a high level of interest, which goes a bit beyond mere “passive.” They are interested enough to be near or close to jumping the proverbial “buyers hurdle.”

How does a business go about getting this same kind of traffic to their sales website? The information provided in this article will specify which specific elements are crucial for sites to achieve this goal.
Unless you are a seasoned sales writer (who knows how to write to make sales), simply getting high-value leads and qualified traffic to your website does not in itself constitute content marketing. You have to make sales.

The phrase “content marketing” has a positive connotation. Sales come when content marketing follows a fairly strict protocol. Therefore, it would be safe to assert that throwing up a “fairly” good-looking website, having generic content, plus a meager sales writer will fail miserably at producing a successful content marketing website.
Mixing high-value information with powerful video gives a certain “credibility” to the website’s main objectives; engage, inform, make sales and maintain a firm grasp on the keyword, or keyword phrases that provide the high page rank in search results.

Effective content marketing makes use of specific on-page (SEO) strategies. Videos scripted with keyword relevancy, and properly tagged with the most often searched phrases tend to rank well in the SERPs. The combination of good content using video that supports the message and a proper sales website to underscore the value of the information, defines what content marketing is all about.
Proper content marketing engages people in a manner, which they find appealing. Having content that simply shoves a product or service “in their faces,” bearing a “buy now” button is a sure fire turn-off to consumers.

However, when the right sales elements come together in a harmonious fashion, and visitors find helpful, informative content that engages their wants or needs, they become sincerely interested, and will be all the more willing to enter their credit card information.
As the Web evolves toward the ever more social engagement tool of the future – I envision 3D graphics and “motion-sensory” infographics that stimulate engagement that is much more social – sophistication will bloom.