Twitter Online System is one of the best method to promote your blog or business on twitter.We have often seen most of professionals bloggers and other celebrities using twitter instead of facebook to promote their business and increase their leads.There are many reasons behind this decision of using twitter over facebook. At facebook, there are millions of active users, but nobody loves to share or give you any better opinion about whatever you share with your fans. On the other hand, anything you share on twitter can go viral on twitter in just few time.
Today we are gonna share some viral strategies which will help you to make your post or anything you share on twitter go viral. This way you can promote your business to billions of twitter users and get big benefits.
1. Call To Action : This is one of the best way you can use to spread your business/post virally on twitter. Like on facebook, we ask our friends to share our page or whatever, similarly on twitter, we can request our followers to re-tweet our posts and spread them further to their fans. The more we spread, the more benefits we will get.Re-tweeting will help your content to get viral on facebook and bringing lots of benefits for your business.
Another thing you can do is to write better and catchy title so that people get attracted and re-tweet it without your permission. This way more and more people will re-tweet your post and finally you will get better reputation.
2. Time Of Re-Tweet : This doesn’t look as much effective, but it is. Re-tweets often done between 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM are very effective as compared to be done on another timings. So try to re-tweet your post on mainly starting days of weekend like Monday to Wednesday and between any certain timings as i mentioned.
3. Links : Links are must in every post that you want to be re-tweeted by your fans or followers. Just imagine why people will re-tweet any single line filled with just words and no links. Links make any post more interesting. Studies about re-tweeting shows that 70% of re-tweeted posts contains a link while other 30% have no links at all. This way it shows that having a link is must in every post that you want to be re-tweeted.
4. Get Some Known People : This step is very effective in making your post viral on twitter. Suppose you have 1000 followers on twitter, but you know no one. Then how can you expect your post to be re-tweeted.So, for this purpose you have to make some social connections with your followers have thousands of followers. You can simply message them with your tweet and request them to re-tweet your post. This way works perfect to get more fans for your business.
5. Twitter is a place to share valueable content and add reputation. The more better content you share, the more better reputation you will get and finally more followers. Try to avoid sharing scams and phishing. Try to share latest news and what’s hot happening in the industry. This way your followers will get interest in you and finally your every post will get lots of re-tweets that you would have ever imagined.
These are some simple steps to make your post go viral on twitter. Once your every post got viral, you are just a step ahead to boost your business with this mighty social network.
source http://idealtechblog.com
5 Steps to Going Viral on Twitter