How to Boost Website Traffic

5 Ways to Boost Website Traffic

For the past few months all of the topics I’ve blogged about have centered around one underlying theme: getting more people onto your website. After all, the Internet is a numbers game, right? The more people find a website, the more people visit a website and the more people purchase from a website. And since everyone is always looking for more traffic, here are 5 great ways to getting more people to see your site:
1. Study the keywords
Knowing what words customers are using to find a product is essential in that they touch almost every aspect of a website. They’re needed for product descriptions, blog posts, social media, Adwords and reviews. Make sure to check on exact matches, phrases, and in particular, negative keywords. Using these correctly can be the difference between a busy website and a ghost town.

2. Use the Google Tools
The Google website tools portfolio has enough tools inside it to make it nearly impossible not to get traffic on a website. With Webmaster Tools, Analytics, Adwords, Keywords, Disavow and more, a website owner can see almost everything that is going on with a sit e. Use wisely all of the data provided, and adjust any marketing/pricing/site design strategies accordingly.

3. Invest in social media
This doesn’t mean there needs to be a presence on every social media platform - that’s just not possible. What this means is that you need to find out where your customers are and establish your presence there. Make sure to do more than just post about your products too. Provide your customers with a value that your competition does not. Make sure to give just as much as you get.

Also make sure to intertwine your efforts on social platforms with yo ur website; small enhancements can help spread the word. Make sure to add buttons for Like, Tweet, +1, etc., to every page of a website. Also try adding videos in place of descriptions. With people now turning to Youtube as a search engine, a quality video can be a great sales tool..

4. Get reviews
Most people like to share their opinions. Every time you ask a customer to provide feedback on a purchase, it makes them feel valued - like you actually look at them as more than a transaction number. Reviews help with more than just how a company is perceived; they are a great way to boost SEO efforts. If customers are not reviewing when they make a purchase, don’t be afraid to ask.

5. Blog
Setting up a blog is an excellent way to get your message out, provided it is used correctly. Using a blog essentially as a written infomercial is the best way to turn off potential customers. The best method is to follow the same rules as for social media. Focus on what customers want. How-to guides, interesting industry information, news, etc., are great places to get started. Give the customers value first, and then you can find creative ways to intertwine some sales information. Think of it like product placement in the movies. .

Take advantage of these 5 methods and people should start flocking to your site. Are there any other tips you can share? I’d love to hear more, post them in the comments section below!
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How to Boost Website Traffic 